Middle, Jr. High & High School Cheer

WSCCA would like to introduce your Scholastic Cheer Directors. They are both great resources for all your cheer questions.

Alejandra Ramos, Eastside Director
Hi, my name is Alejandra Ramos
I've been coaching at Sunnyside High School since 2010. In the past I've served on the leadership staff for week one at Central Cheerleadership camp.
I have been a WIAA stunt clinician since 2018. Through these opportunities I have been able to build relationships with other coaches and I believe I can be a liaison between the board and our East side coaches.
If you're on the Eastside of the Cascades and have cheer related questions, please reach out to me at alejandra.ramos@sunnysideschools.org

Jasmyne Everhart, Westside Director
Hi! My name is Jasmyne Everhart.
I began my coaching journey in early 2016 as an assistant coach but was quickly moved up to head coach within the first few months. Through the years I’ve led & transformed my program from a sideline team to a State award winning competition team. I couldn’t have done it though without the incredible cheer mentors that have guided me the past 7 years. I hope to be that mentor that I once had to other fellow coaches that are either starting their own program or to simply share my passion for the sport with others.
If you're on the west side of the Cascades and have cheer related questions, please reach out to me at jaseverhart@gmail.com,
REQUIREMENTS for Scholastic Cheer Coaches
(both volunteer and paid)
Follow the NFHS Spirit Rules book for safety regulations issued by the National Federation of High School Associations. NFHS Spirit Rule Books are available in the NFHS Rules App and printed versions at: https://www.nfhs.org/resources/publications/.
All coaches and volunteers are REQUIRED to take the online WIAA/WOA Spirit Rules Clinic annually, and must meet all WIAA coaches’ standards, whether the school declares cheerleading or dance/drill as a sport OR as an activity. (Contact your Athletic Director for your log in and password)
**“Hands on” stunt Certification is REQUIRED for all cheer coaches and volunteers. The Washington State Cheer Coaches Association must approve the safety certification program. Coaches must be recertified every two (2) years with “hands on” training.
Every team must have a stunt certified coach on site during practice and/or competitions for an athlete(s) to be eligible to stunt.
Because WIAA requires assistant coaches to be at least 19 years of age, certificates for completing a stunt certification clinic and passing the test will be issued only to individuals who are at least 19 years of age. Additionally, you must pay the registration fee ($50 by credit card), complete the clinic and pass the required test before receiving your certification document (via e-mail) following your clinic date. The only acceptable method of payment is by credit card and must be prior to attending the clinic. Any coach who fails to pay on the day of the clinic will not be allowed to participate in the certification.
All Coaches and Volunteers must pass a background check to have contact with athletes.
Current CPR and First Aid Training
Receive (30) clock/educational hours within your first 3 years
Competition Information
Programs wanting to compete in Washington will follow the NFHS spirit rules for cheerleading and will use the WSCCA/WSCJA high school score sheets for all qualifying events. Please review the scoresheets, rubrics and ratios needed for a put together a successful routine.
Scoresheets, Rubrics and Ratios
The competition season in Washington starts in November with WIAA qualifying events hosted by high schools around the state. These qualifying competitions will be held up to two weeks before WIAA State Championships for High Schools.
As for Recreational, Junior High / Middle School and JV teams, they are invited to compete at these competitions as well. The WSCCA hosts the Junior State Championships as a culminating event for Recreational, Junior High/Middle school and JV teams. There are no pre- qualification requirements for this competition.
Programs wishing to extend their season can attend Regional and National Competitions as well. National companies will offer other opportunities for competitions throughout the year. (Please note that every competition company has their own rules, score sheets and fees)
$200 per routine for Recreational
$100 per routine for Varsity, Junior Varsity, Middle School, Jr High
Varsity divisions are determined by WIAA.
High School Divisions
Varsity small: 12 and under participants
Varsity medium: 13 - 19 participants
Varsity Large: 20 - 32 participants
Coed tumbling and game day divisions only: three (3) or more males
High School Categories
Traditional - Tumbling Coed: three (3) or more males
Traditional - Tumbling
Traditional - Non-Tumbling (Varsity teams only)
Game Day
Game Day - Coed: three (3) or more males
Middle School or Junior High Divisions
Middle School / Junior High
Coed Middle School / Junior High: three (3) or more males
Middle School or Junior High Categories
Traditional - Tumbling Coed: three (3) or more males
Traditional - Tumbling
Game Day
Game Day - Coed: three (3) or more males
TRADITIONAL: performance competition routines, both tumbling and non-tumbling must include both a music portion and a cheer portion.
Routine Max: 2 minutes 30 seconds (150 seconds)
Music Max: 1 minute :45 seconds
The 54’ x 42’ cheer mat area represents the performance boundary area for the Tumbling, Non-tumbling categories.
STOMP ROUTINE: Stomp Cheerleading has its own style and culture. During these routines teams will utilize traditional cheerleading arm motions combined with creative and rhythmic beats, in their dance and cheer portions of the routine. Expect to see upbeat tempo changes as well as non-traditional cheer movements.
Routine Max: three (3:00) minutes (there is no music time limit for the Stomp category.)
The basketball court boundary lines represent the performance boundary for the Stomp routine. The Stomp category will have (3) three mats that will be centered horizontally on the Court.
GAME DAY ROUTINE: Teams will demonstrate SITUATIONAL SIDELINE, CROWD LEADING Cheer and FIGHT SONG in this routine
Routine Max: three (3:00) minutes (there is no music time limit for the Game Day category.)
The 54’ x 42’ cheer mat area represents the performance boundary area for Game Day Routine.
Teams should demonstrate spirit and enthusiasm while entering the performance floor and before the music begins.
The use of crowd leading tools such as signs, poms, flags and/or megaphones is required.
Each section should have a beginning and end. Note: Spirited crowd leading interaction between each section is encouraged to continue the game day feel. Stunts are not allowed as a transition before/between sections, this would include the team’s entry to the floor and any time prior to starting the performance.
The INCORPORATION of stunts and or tumbling is required in the SITUATIONAL SIDELINE, CROWD LEADING Cheer and FIGHT SONG.
Game Day Skill Restrictions:
No tosses (basket, sponge or elevator) are allowed.
No inversions are allowed.
No twisting released dismounts are allowed.
No running tumbling is allowed.
Stunts are not allowed during the team’s entry to the floor or any time prior to starting the performance.
Single leg stunts are limited to liberties and liberty hitches.
Standing tumbling is limited to one tumbling skill and a back tuck is the most elite tumbling skill allowed. Examples: Rippled single back handsprings would be allowed. Jump tumble (single skill) would be allowed. A standing full is not allowed.
In between elements, teams must always return to the performance surface. Teams may kick, jump or tumble but may NOT stunt.
During the Band Chant, only kicks and jumps are permitted.
BAND CHANT: should have an emphasis on crowd appeal and practicality. Squads should utilize spirit raising props and focus on creative movements such as level changes or ripples, execution of the material and encouraging the crowd to participate. – No stunting or tumbling is permitted, however jumps and kicks are allowed.
SITUATIONAL SIDELINE: Following the band chant, the announcer with give squads a game scenario indicating an offense or defense situation. Teams should show their definitive understanding of the situation with an offensive or defensive crowd-leading response.
Situational Cues process for State
Teams will not have advance notice of their cues
The list provided by WSCCA (above) will be used
The announcer will announce a team’s cue following their Band Dance.
A prepared schedule with a script will be provided for the announcer.
CROWD LEADING CHEER: Following the Sideline, Crowd Leading can include a cheer reflective of a timeout, general sideline / spell-out or other cheer material with minimal words, inciting a response and encouraging a crowd to yell along. Teams are required to incorporate spirit props and practical skills (stunts and/or tumbling, if the division allows).
FIGHT SONG: The final element should reflect your school’s traditional Fight Song. Fight Song incorporation is limited to three (3) consecutive 8-counts of stunts and/or tumbling. Counting will begin with the initiation of a skill and continue until either the incorporation is complete or the end of the 3rd 8-count. (If the Fight Song repeats, the incorporation will only be permitted both times if the skills are repeated exactly the same). Teams should utilize spirit raising props and add creative movements such as level changes or ripples as well. For teams that do not have an official Fight Song, it is recommended to use a second selection of band chant music.
**Teams may add up to 1 (one) mascot in their Game Day Routine. The mascot must meet all the eligibility requirements as the athletes. The mascot must enter the floor with the team and should be used to raise crowd energy and participation. The mascot is not allowed to be involved in any stunts / technical skills and or tumbling and should position themselves away from skills being performed. The mascot will not count towards the total gender number of participants allowed in the division.
To qualify for WIAA State Championship:
The team must have performed in at least ten (10) school events, such as school assemblies, sideline cheerleading, half-time performances, pep rallies, etc
The team must have participated in at least one (1) WIAA, WSCCA or school-sponsored competition.
Teams can qualify for WIAA State competition in one of two ways:
1) Must have scored at least 64 as a minimum qualifying score in the non-tumbling and stomp divisions or 70 as a minimum qualifying score in the tumbling and game day divisions (whole numbers only; there will be no rounding of decimals) after all deductions (based upon the cumulative scores awarded by the four judges) in the competition, or...
2) Receive one (1) of the top fifty scores of all performances during the competition season.
A school may enter only one (1) team in each category and a maximum of three (3) categories.
Each student may participate in tumbling or non-tumbling, but not in both, as well as stomp or game day.
WIAA State Event Format :
NFHS Spirit rules will be strictly enforced in all categories.
All classifications will be combined. (i.e. 1A, 2A etc.)
Every effort will be made to schedule the teams that qualify in two (2) or three (3) categories to compete on the same day (either Friday or Saturday, in order to minimize the requirement for overnight lodging.)
(If a Junior Varsity and Varsity combine/share athletes they must compete in the Varsity Divisions)
Teams may add up to 1 (one) mascot in their Game Day Routine. The mascot must meet all the eligibility requirements as the athletes. The mascot must enter the floor with the team and should be used to raise crowd energy and participation. The mascot in not allowed to be involved in any stunts / technical skills and or tumbling and should position themselves away from skills being performed. The mascot will not count towards the total number or gender of participants allowed in the division.
(good for 2 years)
STUNT CERTIFICATIONS are regulated and managed by the WIAA, which is a separate organization from WSCCA. Stunt certification classes can be found here.
*If you're experiencing technical difficulties registering for a clinic, please contact Nick Mendro.mailto:nmendro@wiaa.com
Steps to receive your certification after you've attended a clinic:
1. Return to your my247ed.com account
2. Select the "Conference Center" tab at the left of the page on my247ed.com
3. Click on the WIAA 2023 Cheer Coach Stunt Certification conference
4. Select the "Sessions & Schedule" tab on the left-hand side of the screen
5. Select "Confirm Attendance" (Note: If this step has already been completed, it is because you selected "Add to Your Schedule" prior to the clinic. Don't panic -- this is normal. Proceed to step 4 below).
6. Select "Certifications & Forms" on the left-hand side of the screen
7. Select "Start Application"
8. This should take you to a page with the header, "Are you ready to apply?"
9. Click all the sliders on this page to the right, indicating completion
10. Proceed to fill out the survey and download/sync your certificate
All Scholastic Cheer related questions should be sent to :Cindy Adsit at WIAA cadsit@wiaa.com